A Modern History 1980 - 2024: The Nigerian American Pentecostal Church History


By Ebenezer Gabriels Worship Discipleship

After spending the last 7 years establishing worship altars, resolving complex community, family, and national enigmas, documenting findings from prophetic research, restoring the foundation of worship, counseling church leaders, ministering deliverance to church leaders and churchgoers, and raising worshippers, a major update to the Scroll and the Seal features The Modern Church History—the Nigerian and American Church History.

There's a sudden awakening to the powerlessness of the church. Nations are suddenly waking up, and observers are finding similarities between Nigeria and America. America is fast becoming a shadow of itself, with street riots, protests, and the degradation of infrastructure. To find tangible answers, we look at the church, whose calling is to instruct the nations. 

This modern history provides insight into how the altar exchanges between American and Nigerian Pentecostal churches shaped both nations and influenced their cultures and ideologies. You'll learn how Nigerian ideologies are circled back into the American lifestyle, how marriages and families in the diaspora started falling apart, the influx of church oppression, the worship of mammon, and why God declared in 2016 that the countdown and the winding down of the church age are here. More importantly, you will discover the need to build a personal worship altar and only engage in meaningful fellowships with the members of the household of God.

This Episode Details: 

The Nigerian-American Pentecostal Church History: 1990–2024

How the American Church Went to Discipline Nigeria

The Imported Pollution of Powerlessness into Nigeria's Altars

Kenneth Hagin's Crusade and Visit to Nigeria

The Era of Orchestrated Revivals and Crusades for the Masses

Nigerian Immigration and Nigerians in Diaspora Seek a House of Worship

The Planting of Franchise Churches by Spiritually Confused and Immature Diaspora 

The Family Breakaways and Separations in the Church

The Great Breakaway Era of the Nigerian Churches in Diaspora

Independent Churches and the Church Spies

The COVID Period and the Spread of Online Churches

The End of the Church Age and the Personal Worship Altar Era   


An earlier portion of this history is documented in the Scroll and the Seal book, America: Past, Present, and Future, originally published in 2018.

The full episode will stream on May 18, 2024, here: https://youtu.be/AaiQ1NbPezY?si=uWdHKlcZn3gsNBPJ.

Sabbath Shalom!