Prophetic Literacy and Education 

Human beings often seek to uncover the deeper meanings of life. It is a shared belief that within each person lies a prophetic inclination, and we contend that education in prophetic literacy can serve as a crucial bridge.

Prophetic literacy involves imparting the skills needed for individuals to be adept at prophetic living and adopt a prophetic lifestyle. The repercussions of lacking prophetic literacy are profound, leading to the potential loss of generations' worth of treasures from the kingdom of God. This deficiency is evident in our communities, where numerous individuals fall prey to pseudo-prophetic figures driven by personal gain, disseminating misleading prophecies. This fabricated information is not misleading not only individuals but also families, communities, and even entire nations. As a result,  we have numerous pseudo-prophecy shops, contributing little to the broader global economy.  

The world is short of prophets with pure revelation from God's precise information, execution, technical and leadership skills.  Our mission is to deliver prophetic education, empowering all to take charge of their prophetic destinies while standing strong on biblical prophecies. 

The Ebenezer Gabriels Prophetic Literacy and Education Approach
Our approach to teaching is unique, educating learners structurally, to enable every prophetic learner to develop their unique prophetic technical skills and lead in their area of calling.

Lessons are delivered in on-demand video formats, audio formats, and nano-class formats. We invite you to explore our bit-sized prophetic education through the IAUC Learning Platform.

We invite you to explore our bit-sized prophetic education through the IAUC Learning Platform.