Deliverance Explained: Deliverance Pitfalls to Avoid


By Ebenezer Gabriels Worship Discipleship

Deliverance Explained: Deliverance Pitfalls to Avoid

Defining Deliverance: Deliverance” has been bastardized, desecrated, and wrongly used. It has become the practice that when Christians think of deliverance, they visualize people rolling on the floor, vomiting, and all sorts of things. The challenge is that many "deliverance" programs are designed to lock you into further captivity.

Mere sitting down and allowing the Word of God to cleanse your mind is deliverance. Mere sitting down to discuss the Word of God and become enlightened is deliverance.

In more than 8 years in the Prophetic-Deliverance Ministry, having ministered and spoken to people who are locked by the chains of witchcraft, there is no rolling on the floor.

Many of these rolling-on-the-floor theatrics are for photo-ops, believability, and attention, OR if genuine voodoo, or someone who has been fasting for 3 days and got hands laid on them to push them to the back; they have no stamina; Again, we will list them one by one.

Everyone must be able to pray and conduct personal deliverance, especially when there’s a manual. Prophets are usually guides for releasing information at the time. For example, in the documentation of Jeremiah, Daniel made references to the specific circumstances people are undergoing. Deliverance must be documented and be easily replicable by someone else who follows the guidelines in the Word of God. Prayers, fasting prayers, and the Word of God are followed by a strong process to prevent relapse.

Group A:

Photo Ops: Staged and Planned

Group B

You go to a crusade and refuse to fall; they kick you or push you to fall.

Group C.

Voodoo: They laid a hand that has been laced with voodoo on your head; you will fall.

Group D.

You have been told to fast for 3 days, and you are so weak, then they come to lay hands on you and push you; you're already lightweight, and you will fall.

Group E

Those who give courtesy fall; they are attention-seekers, and they meet a famous preacher for the first time in their lives. He touches their head; they fall and start yelling or rolling on the floor; or they go to a gathering with this drama.

Lastly, Group F

This is the Mark 5 group: those who are truly possessed, where another spirit has taken over them. Jesus spoke about casting out demons, and there was a great revelation in what we saw in Mark 5; however, this is not an everyday occurrence. But this is what many false deliverance ministries use to be an everyday reality.

So What is Deliverance? 

Deliverance is release from captivity, so you can worship God.  Deliverance of the mind releases your mind from bondages, from confusion, from mental blankness, from mental chains preventing your mind to function or make decisions at the capacity God has created your mind.

Deliverance could be spiritual, it could be caused by the processes you find yourself locked into. Deliverance is found in the revelation of Jesus, and a plan of deliverance is usually released by God's spirit upon anointed vessels, ordained to bring forth revelation. At a time in the Scriptures, the disciples couldn't cast out a demon, Jesus taught them, "this kind does not go except through prayer and fasting" - so there are different types of cases that are faced and require the revelation of Jesus. 

Once a deliverance plan is available, anyone can facilitate a deliverance when you follow a deliverance guide.

Some of the Major Deliverance forms We Have Documented, follow Deliverance plans God shared in Prophecy Rooms and Worship Encounters. - Find a Deliverance Guide below for your deliverance. 

Family Tree Deliverance: God does not bless a mask; when people are planted in the wrong family tree; there's a loss of identity. God told someone they were planted in the wrong family tree, and they needed to pray that the jars of secrets would be broken; they started to pray; and within weeks, the revelation was out, they were almost 40 years old; they found the man they had known all their lives was not the real father.  After this deliverance, God opened up their roots to them and unveiled the blessings He has for them.

Documentation: Deliverance from the Wrong Family Tree documents revelations into the family tree; and how you can interact with your family tree correctly; Also, this book documents the processes by which those who were given to the wrong parents at birth were made aware.

Deliverance from spiritual attacks: Rapid Fire offers the believer heavenly methods of effective and apostolic prayers which open the doors to one’s life’s calling. Rapid Fire book was birthed forth at the onset of God’s move in the earlier days of our Prophetic and Apostolic ministry. It is a book powered by God’s covenant of rapid activation of deliverance from evil attacks and prosperity in offensive battles. Rapid Fire is a prayer resource to bring into the offensive battlefront to defeat the enemy ahead of time or invite God’s speedy deliverance when faced with spiritual attacks. With over 1000 situation-specific prayers inspired by the Holy Spirit, Rapid Fire brings into your focus the major spiritual battles you need to confront to live your purpose with great ease. Rapid Fire Prayer focus areas include spiritual maturity, marital life, health, finances, destiny, deliverance from strongholds of foundations, strongholds of the mind, witchcraft powers, ancestral curses, and the spirit of untimely death. Rapid Fire will bring you into the forefront of your spiritual life to take apostolic steps needed to fulfill prophetic destiny and reduce your enemy to a footstool

Incest Deliverance: The enemy has built a demonic base right in the core of many families and continues to spread the plague of incest across generations. One of the most disguised and difficult-to-detect battles in deliverance ministries, incest remains a hidden plague eating up the destines of many families for generations. Participants carry a satanic generational burden, passing on to the next vulnerable blood relative, while generations upcoming inherit curses. All captives of incest have become accursed by the earth whom they have defiled, their heaven is locked because of this great abomination, yet there is the purpose of God lingering on in their soul, awaiting deliverance. God’s deliverance has come forth to atone for the iniquities as you return humbly into the Throne of God in broken and contriteness of heart. This book will give practical insight into how to approach incest spiritually and conquer by the blood of Jesus. Through their prophetic ministry experiences, Ebenezer Gabriels and Abigail Ebenezer-Gabriels share stories of deliverance and prayers the Lord released over people held captive under the yoke of incest, and the display of God’s endless mercy. God has called them to deliver those who suffer under this yoke because we live in times where His mercy and the blood of Jesus speak and the captives are delivered by the righteous Right hand of the Most High.

Did you know that your name is one of the authorities over your life? Your name has high spiritual authority over you and all that concerns you. Names prophetically declare the course of life, but what happens when the name of God's children has been stolen and replaced by an accursed name? This is why Satan uses the tool of accursed name so proficiently, to steal people away from their purpose. Through this manual, the Lord will deliver many who are under the yoke of the accursed name and give them protection and redemption in a more powerful name, the name of Jesus.

Marriage Attacks: Evil participants are not relenting and they are sneaking into marriages to defy the ordinance of oneness instituted by God into marriages. Many Christian marriages are in slavery because of the operations of evil participants. These highly specialized forces of darkness operated in high secrecy and are responsible for ripping marriages apart. They are responsible for desecrating marriages, stealing joy, planting affliction and oppression into marriages. The cry of many desolated and enslaved families has gone into the ears of the Lord and He has decreed liberty for enslaved marriages. In this book, you will learn about the strategies of evil participants and how to pull down their strongholds in your marriage.

Souls Under Chains: The invaders of souls, stealers of virtues, and exchangers of stars are constantly seeking unauthorized access to the souls of men, women, and children. A muted soul has been invaded and is no longer able to utter God's wonders in them. This is a deliverance manual for the muted souls.

Deliverance of the Blood: The lasting impact of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus is displayed by the power in the blood of Jesus. Life primarily resides in the blood, and many spiritual problems dwell in the blood. The study of the blood is mandatory for any believer who will command the authority of the blood of Jesus. In the book, Deep Mysteries of the Blood, we share revelations on the secrets of the blood, the enemy’s uses of the blood, types of battles within the blood, and how to confront wars originating from the blood. This book opens up new revelations on the understanding of the blood, arms readers with the spiritual insights needed to conquer blood-related spiritual warfare, and brings believers into a place of profound gratitude for the blood of Jesus.

Extinguishing Witchcraft Fires:  Witchcraft is the enemy of forms of growth - spiritual, mental, financial, and emotional. It is the enemy of man’s purpose on earth and one of the deadliest enemies warring against the believer and the church. Witchcraft seeks to trample upon destinies and shames the mighty, fighting unfairly and launching attacks from its hiding place against God’s people. Witchcraft seeks to trample upon destinies and shame the mighty, fighting unfairly and launching attacks from its hiding place against God’s people. Witchcraft fights against good, and anyone declaring the truth of God becomes a prime target of witchcraft. This is why God is equipping His people with the power of His revelation to uncover the spirit of witchcraft and extinguish it with His Only Fire so that His children can advance into worshiping  Him and fulfill their purposes. In this book, you’ll find revelations, strategies, and prayers to extinguish the power of witchcraft by the fire of the Holy Spirit, in Jesus' Name

There are the realms of thrones and principalities, and there is the realm of altars. The realm of altars is lifted higher than these lower realms. The War of Altars is an Altar-to-Altar warfare manual that delivers a new and advanced revelation on the subject of altars. In this book, we walk humbly in God’s purpose to disperse the fragrance of His knowledge on how to grow from the realm of uprooting strongholds to a realm of confronting wicked altars and rebuilding the ancient altars of worship. The teachings will deepen your spiritual understanding, awaken dead altars, and provide the knowledge needed to effectively annihilate evil altars through the power released at the altar of Cavalry where the utmost sacrifice was made by the blood of Jesus.

Deliverance Before Marriage: The wedding industry is booming at the expense of millions of brides-to-be and grooms-to-be who ride on the deflated wheels of ignorance. Through ignorance, many marriages have been repurposed into a prison yard of darkness, the graveyard of dead love, and the desolation of many destinies. The book, Deliverance from the Yoke of Marital Ignorance is the first marriage foundation book in our Marriage Deliverance series for marriage readiness, packed with the revelation of God and foundational mysteries of marriage, written to equip the singles and the married with the light of God’s power to conquer the war of ignorance faced by millions in marriages.

These revelations on marriage awaken you to God’s mandate for your marital life; whether you’re single or married. In this book,  we educate readers on the spiritual perspective of marriages, the covenants in marriage to enact or pull down, the prophecy of marriage couples must fulfill, guide on marriage decisions, and ways to prepare or rebuild your marital foundation to align with God’s purposes for you on earth.

For both singles and married, this book will open up the revelation knowledge of God on marriages, and usher you into prophetic prayers for the future of your marriage.

Deliverance for Men: There’s a place called the dunghill, it’s the place where the destiny of many men is buried, and where the glory of the mighty is exchanged for shame. Men are called to stand their ground in faith. This book was inspired to ignite the fire of faith for the pursuit of your manly calling. Like Abraham, men are called to uncleave” and then head to find their purpose and become leaders of households and nation builders. This study brings men into the study of God’s Word and shines the light therein into the souls of men, for a deeper awakening to rise and take the stand of faith, as a commander, after the heart of God. Each chapter ended with deliverance prayers to lift the souls of men out of the dunghill to the place of God's presence and power.

Deliverance of the Mind: The three realms of thoughts, imaginations and words dwell in your mind. The mystery of God’s creation is encoded in the mind, manifesting in the realms of your thoughts, imaginations, and words. Every goodness we see on earth is first conceived in the mind. Every evil that ravages the world is first conceived by the mind. The deliverance of the thoughts, imaginations, and words must occur for your mind to undergo the renewal required to birth forth the purpose of God.

Ensnared, profaned, condemned, bewitched, and defeated by the powers of wickedness - These are the affliction of many. When the enemy strips off the radiance, brightness, glory, and riches; there is still a shadow, from where the voice of Purpose whispers life. The Spirit of Purpose is the untouchable spirit of God in every human commissioned to lead every life to God’s purpose.

Deliverance into Purpose: The book Unprofaned Purpose is God’s revelatory tool to get readers educated about the Spirit of Purpose and navigate through its pathways; also a prophetic guide to deliver souls, minds, and senses from the darkness of satan into the mighty revelation of Jesus Christ for the display of His purpose on earth; and serves as a prayer manual filled with hundreds of prophetic prayers to guide you through the retreat of purpose.

Marital Healing for Women: The Spirit of Vashti is one of the wicked spirits afflicting women of power in marriages and at the height of success in different domains of life. The Spirit of Vashti is a ravaging spirit, which suddenly snuffs vulnerable women out of their royal places and sends them into desolation and exile. This spirit must be completely destroyed, and the curses associated with this spirit must be broken, that the glory of God in women may continue to manifest, and women may take their rightful place in their marriages.