Differences Between Foundational Strongholds and Spiritual Attacks


By Ebenezer Gabriels Worship Discipleship


Differences Between Foundational Strongholds and Spiritual Attacks 

Foundational Strongholds? What's that?

 Have you ever gotten into spiritual warfare and found out you are receiving more attacks than when you were not engaged in spiritual warfare? Here's why you may be fighting the wrong fight. When you are fighting foundational strongholds, you may get lethargic, or receive spiritual attacks that hinder you from continuing, you will need to embrace the posture of the warring worshipper found in 149 v 6; Let the high praises of God be in their mouth And a two-edged sword in their hand'.  

Spiritual attacks are different from foundational strongholds. Spiritual attacks are foreign, and they are launched to bring instant death to a specific point. Spiritual oppositions launch spiritual attacks. It can be abrupt and easily magnified.

Common types of Spiritual attacks

Financial attacks: To stop you from fulfilling a mission. The enemy blocks your access to funds or sudden loss.

Health Attacks: The enemy fires attacks into the health to paralyze body activities and to hold bound

Marital Attacks; To ruin your marital destiny, the enemy attacks marriages.

Recommended resource for removing foundational strongholds - RAPID FIRE. Get it here

Common types of foundational strongholds are already a part of people’s lifestyles. Many people are living with foundational strongholds. Foundational strongholds are passed down by the blood, inherited at conception and It is only a matter of time before a new generation begins to relive the patterns found in the past generations.

Common types of foundational strongholds

Seeds of Witchcraft: If the seed of witchcraft is in your lineage, you need to uproot these seeds and be cleansed off. Many families and individuals are suffering spiritual setbacks because the seed of witchcraft is in their family line. The seed of witchcraft makes you highly susceptible to witchcraft influence and attacks. 

Rejection: If you are suffering rejection as a man or woman. If you are a woman and you are constantly suffering rejection in a relationship or marriage. Rejection is a foundational problem arising from complex foundational issues. You will find godly answers and prayers to defeat the stronghold of rejection in the Uncursed Book

Abortion; Abortion, if you have ever aborted, and you are seeking to break the curses associated with abortion. If you have sponsored abortion and are placed by the curses of abortion, or someone in your family line, especially your mother had previously had an abortion or miscarriage, you need to break these curses.

Violence and Anger: Violence and anger are strongholds, deeply planted in the foundations. Find out why and break that curse if you have someone displaying violence or anger in the household.

Idolatry: If you have dabbled in idolatry, sourced charms, and phylactery, or consulted mediums and psychics, you need to understand why Jesus offers a better deal, and what you need to do to break those curses.

Recommended resource for removing foundational strongholds - UNCURSED. Get it here

The Uncursed Book hands the modern-day believer ancient weapons of a breakthrough in an accursed world including; the advanced knowledge of Jesus, unusual skills for foundational warfare, and the blazing sword of prayers to cut through the dark foundations and make a brand new path, for the workings of God's glory. The second first edition was released, and we saw why; Uncursed book has liberated destinies and upcoming generations; it has set communities free and has become a major tool for the trifold deliverance in the realms of foundational, Inner-healing, and Back-to-the-Womb. Uncursed is more than a book, it is a call for all; young and adult, singles and married, parents, expectant mothers, and future parents who desire to or have assumed a military mindset spiritually, and seek to arise as spiritual powerhouses to deliver themselves, spouse, unborn children, living children and generations to come from the curses from yesteryears. Uncursed is a collection of revelations by the Holy Spirit given to root out and to pull down, to destroy and to cast down strongholds and kingdoms; to build and to plant God's people on the path of their glorious destinies. Uncursed will usher your generation into untold deliverance and blessings never seen before. Buy here

Rapid Fire Book offers the believer heavenly methods of effective and apostolic prayers which opens the doors to one's life's calling. Rapid Fire book was birthed forth at the onset of God's move in the earlier days of our Prophetic and Apostolic ministry. It is a book powered by God's covenant of rapid activation of deliverance from evil attacks and prosperity in offensive battles. Rapid Fire is a prayer resource to bring into the offensive battlefront to defeat the enemy ahead of time or invite God’s speedy deliverance when faced with spiritual attacks. With over 1000 situation-specific prayers inspired by the Holy Spirit, Rapid Fire brings into your focus the major spiritual battles you need to confront to live your purpose with great ease. Rapid Fire Prayer focus areas include spiritual maturity, marital life, health, finances, destiny, deliverance from strongholds of foundations, strongholds of the mind, witchcraft powers, ancestral curses, and the spirit of untimely death. Rapid Fire will bring you to the forefront of your spiritual life to take the apostolic steps needed to fulfill your prophetic destiny and reduce your enemy to a footstool - Buy here