Incest: Family Trees, and Bloodlines


By Ebenezer Gabriels Worship Discipleship

Deliverance from Incest: Resolving the Cases of Incest

Where there is incest, and there's unending pollution. In America today, incest is being multiplied especially by ministers on the pulpit who have also been in incestuous relationships. Many families are in the chains of incest, with siblings in their droves, and to make matters worse, there are children birthed from these types of relationships. 

When God started revealing through our prophetic research missions, we thought it was a joke. It was not a joke. Those who are knowingly involved will do anything to keep this secretly guarded, and those afflicted by it are going through the shame of no estimate and hardly can come out in the open. Only a few did summon the courage, and with the following information they gave, there was more revelation on how to walk step by step into their deliverance.

Sometimes you have a father who has fallen into incest with his daughter or a mother who has fallen into incest with her sons - and they are in the prophecy room with the whole family. The challenge they have with our prophecy rooms is that you cannot tell the extent to which God would go to bring revelation, just we cannot tell the depth of His love for us that He will send His Son to come and die in our place. 

There are not many people, and families can do with a life riddled with incest.  While on local missions between 2018 and 2020, God showed us a lot of destinies trapped by incest, and He started dealing with this issue.  We documented the spiritual perspectives here. When a family is tainted by incest, a generation is in trouble, and so is the next, so these prophetic research findings led us to write Deliverance from the Wrong Family Trees.  Around this period, we found that 6 out of 10 families had a case of incest in their foundations, either in the nuclear family or extended, and this goes ahead to spark an evil chain of curses. Again, we are being very conservatives with these numbers. 

We found that we saw these types of cases a lot. Where there is incest, there is the rage of the blood, and it continues for generations, as long as it says in darkness, and it is not resolved.

Back in 2023, DailyMail published a report of a family in America who had been ridden by the battle of incest, and now in 2024, another report has come up. And you can find that people are tied under this affliction.

At the time, we had no data to back this report up, but we worked on raw prophetic information released by the Lord to document the following resources for those involved to get spiritual help. Also, because of the sensitivity of the topic, it was almost impossible for people who are plagued by incest to open up. Only a few people opened up, but the validation to this topic we got was the demand for the book -  Our book on "Incest" is one of our best-selling books to date in the United States. Many have swept the active or passive cases of incest in their lives under the rug, they even push back on the need for biblical spiritual deliverance on incest - however, incest is responsible for certain types of battles affected families face. The list is unending. Accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior is not enough, a specific address to the problem by the authority of the Lord Jesus resolves it.

It is not the end of the world for those who have been plagued by incest, but there's work to do. Get the three Biblical Deliverance Resources for Incest to understand the complexities of incest, how it affects your bloodline, and the family tree, and how to get delivered by the blood of Jesus. These books are the primary prophetic research findings and did not use any external data on the subject of incest. Information from this book was based on pure revelatory information from God's Presence in our prophecy rooms.

Deliverance from the Yoke of Incest

Deeper Mysteries of the Blood

Delivered from the Wrong Family Tree

Reports like this are very sensitive, as they open cans of worms and expose those who have been shielding this secret; However, when God is determined to set a bloodline free, information like this is revealed to those held under this captivity, so they can interact with the power in the blood of Jesus which was given for this purpose, and be liberated.

We've written these resources as summaries from our prophetic research on this subject, and to empower every individual plagued by this battle, to have a decent spiritual understanding of God's perspective on incest and how to minister deliverance to that situation. 

Also,  because people can easily abuse this type of deliverance, shame or even extort - there is a firm process to deliverance and it's documented in these resources.


Data from DailyMail.Co.Uk

While this data validates the commonality of incest, there's still a major demography missing; Mother-son is missing, and this is something to look out for in the future as data becomes widely available.


Ebenezer Gabriels Resources

Deliverance from the Yoke of Incest: The enemy has built a demonic base right in the core of many families and continues to spread the plague of incest across generations. One of the most disguised and difficult-to-detect battles in deliverance ministries, incest remains a hidden plague eating up the destines of many families for generations. Participants carry a satanic generational burden, passing on to the next vulnerable blood relative, while generations upcoming inherit curses. All captives of incest have become accursed by the earth whom they have defiled, their heaven is locked because of this great abomination, yet there is the purpose of God lingering on in their soul, awaiting deliverance. God’s deliverance has come forth to atone for the iniquities as you return humbly into the Throne of God in broken and contriteness of heart. This book will give practical insight into how to approach incest spiritually and conquer by the blood of Jesus. Through their prophetic ministry experiences, share stories of deliverance and prayers the Lord released over people held captive under the yoke of incest, and the display of God’s endless mercy. God has called them to deliver those who suffer under this yoke because we live in times where His mercy and the blood of Jesus speak and the captives are delivered by the righteous Right hand of the Most High.

Deeper Mysteries of the Blood: The lasting impact of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus is displayed by the power in the blood of Jesus. Life primarily resides in the blood, and many spiritual problems dwell in the blood. The study of the blood is mandatory for any believer who will command the authority of the blood of Jesus. In the book, Deep Mysteries of the Blood, we share revelations on the secrets of the blood, the enemy’s uses of the blood, types of battles within the blood, and how to confront wars originating from the blood. This book opens up new revelations on the understanding of the blood, arms readers with the spiritual insights needed to conquer blood-related spiritual warfare, and brings believers into a place of profound gratitude for the blood of Jesus.

Delivered from the Wrong Family Tree: The preservation of genealogy ensures that identity is retained and there is a smooth transition of inheritance from one generation to the other. Satan and his host of agents have successfully launched a silent slave market operation where the captives are children who eventually grow up ignorant of their enslavement in the wrong families. This slave market is skillfully run by the devil and with operations set up within family units. Many children, now adults, have been planted in the wrong family tree, filling the emotional voids of others and serving the wrong purposes in the wrong families. Much has been stolen from the destiny of those planted into the wrong family tree, as they are made a slave to the destiny of others. Until the deliverance of God locates such captives, and they are grafted by Jesus Christ into the household of God, will their true identities be released, and they work in their God-given mandates here on earth. This is a Holy Spirit powered book with prayers that will move the hand of God to shatter the jar of secrets sitting upon your identity, inheritance, and destiny.