Inside the Dark World of the Christian Content Factory


By Ebenezer Gabriels Worship Discipleship

Inside the Dark World of the Christian Content Factory: How God is Addressing Plagiarism in the Church


A popular Christian song verse reads, "God whatever you're doing in the season, don't do it without me". God indeed never does anything without telling His friends. (Surely the Lord GOD does nothing Unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets. - Amos 3:7). 

But the question is:  What are the positive relationships with have with the revelation God shows us? Someone shares a business idea with you, you look down on it, ridicule it, trample on it, and then the business takes off, and you become bitter and swear to bring it down. Are you having a positive relationship with God's revelation?

Someone shares an idea with you, you steal the idea, and present it as yours. Are you having a positive relationship with the knowledge of God? 

Someone invites you to a product launch event, and out of hate,  you decide not to celebrate with them. Do you still want God to call you into what He's doing in the season?

A sister or brother in your fellowship group is celebrating a victory, and on the day of celebration, you are pulling them down. This is the day you decide to ruin their celebration.  Do you still want God to show you whatever He's doing in the season?

An individual gets an idea to create something, and they start selling that idea, you are a follower of Christ, and you decide to gather others to cancel them. Why should God tell you about what He is doing next?  Yet you are the first to show up in deliverance rooms? If many can have their way, they will petition God not to use a sinner because a sinner sins and is not qualified. For this reason, God has decided to use the rejected, oppressed, and reproached for greater things in His kingdom.

Can God trust you with bigger ideas?  Can you get along with God's purpose without fighting it? Who are we to tell God someone is disqualified from God's use?

Every great idea comes from a revelation from God's Presence. And inside a peak into the dark world content factory of the church shows you how people source and interact with God's revelation in the faith circles. This explains why God is doing everything lately without telling the church about it.

God's plan begins with a revelation and the relationship we have with information - positive or negative - determines how we are open to God's plan and purpose on earth.

God is not releasing information to the church, as He used to do in earlier times, and here is why.

So let's get into this.

God's revelation and His knowledge are bigger than you and I and will endure.  Vessels like you and I come and go, but His knowledge will be revealed to the vessels He decides to use. Lately, many innovations are coming from out of the Church, and here's why. 

The digital times are here and the world is about to go even further.  Pre-mass release of AI; this is what is at play; AI Christian content creation is still in its infancy;  and cannot produce the quality of content needed to address advanced topics.

God's revelation releases knowledge, and this knowledge is captured in the form of content and information shared here on earth. Ephesians 3:10 notes "through the church the manifold wisdom of God is made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly places". 

The Church is supposed to be heaven's knowledge center on earth but the church is not producing as much content as it should; if it were, society would not be falling apart as it is; because it has lost touch with God, and the revelatory power has been on the decline.

When you see institutions fall because of plagiarism; Think of the sons of Scheva.

Back in the day, I was listening to a sermon from a respected man of God. I found a phrase very powerful, and the Holy Spirit told me, to research this, as I put it on Google, it was a whole sermon lifted from someone else. I felt disappointed and God said, "This is what happens when people lose their ability to research". 

Fast-forward to a few years later, some Christian consultants and coaches selling online courses would stop by at our worship encounters, seeing what God was doing, they would download teachings and go and sell to their clients as their research. Many of these Christian coaches had no worship or the Word in their lives to back up what they were selling to people.  

There's a class of Christian ministries, who say to their media staff, "research from the ministry of that popular ministry and reword the content".  One Senior Pastor said when giving direction to his media team; There are many like this. 

Some have no direct association with faith, yet produce faith materials based on industry trends and lecturing those who are in faith.

Some gifted writers have captured important information from God's Presence; Many of them are hidden somewhere online.   Many who visit Ebenezer Gabriels Worship Discipleship pages stay invisible, they don't leave footprints, they quietly visit, take notes, and quietly go and reshare and present the revelations God has given to them.   There are indeed individuals who with sincerity stay private for private reasons. 

There are a handful of God's revelation bearers who experience the same theft. 

When you buy a new tool or equipment, you need to get to learn how it works, how to use it, and how to apply it.  When God gives revelation to His body, He also releases the knowledge, the understanding of how to use the knowledge shared, and what problems it solves.  The majority of the information stolen is not understood and is taught wrongly. You will see every revelation broker, and look forward to sharing their revelation and knowledge. Many revelation brokers pass on knowledge to their audience, readers, and students, to ensure the information is used correctly. 

Under any given scenario, a researcher must be able to pass on knowledge successfully. The same is true for the prophets,  you must be able to raise prophets, prophetic teachers, and ministers filled with intelligence to instill God's knowledge. In times of ministry needs, a true prophet who has raised prophetic worshippers sends out the worshippers raised to manifest the true spirit of God within them. This is the Elijah Experiment. This is the behavior of the true prophets. The sons of the prophets go forth to share revelations from God's Presence. This comes from a place of imparting knowledge. Revelation brokerage is never completed until the information is passed and taught for secondary use.

How do you claim to be a Prophet, and the students in the school of your prophets have their visions dead on arrival?  Do you understand the resources heaven has shared with you in the first place?  Every revelation broker is an expert in the field of their revelation. Many are disguised as business coaches, prophetic coaches, and all forms, but have no understanding of what they spew. 

The ones plundering are usually the ones branded as the experts in the field of miracles, they have done this for decades and will never stay in God's Presence or their place of calling. Hence they prey on ministries and plunder them.  This is how many sources deliver their sermons on Sundays.  The downside; is they lack no understanding of the knowledge shared and infuse with their perversion, they pour out emptiness, words without weight or the power of God.

Latching on to a revelation you've not received from God which you have no understanding of its purpose breeds more ignorance. Many contents out there on deliverance, prophetic, and worship are darkened; because there is no light of God in them; Either the ones given the knowledge to share have not passed the information correctly, or have not taught it correctly before it was hijacked by revelation hijackers. This gave room to the ministry of heretics; starting a Word that begins from the Word of God, and leads into the knowledge of the world.

2 Corinthians 6:3 speaks about the retention of God in knowledge -   "And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting". This is where the ministry of teachers comes into place.  When revelations are given, authors, writers, singers, musicians and other revelation bearers must teach the revelation they receive, this is where knowledge is passed and knowledge is lightened in the process of teaching. 


Revelation hijackers have no authority over untaught knowledge, and a new body of knowledge forming. Same with some Christian creators who have no idea what they are doing; they just go around to source for content and share; yet they are disciplining a multitude. Students of revelations are those who learn by hearing, reading books, or sitting in conferences and workshops where research is being discussed and taught.

"All the words of my mouth are with righteousness; nothing crooked or perverse is in them. They are all plain to him who understands and right to those who find knowledge" - Proverbs 8:9

What you feed into your soul is your sole responsibility and the health of your soul is the perfect gauge.  God's auto-correction is already in place, and many are being awakened. Those bearing emptiness and plundering the glory of God in the lives of others undergo the Sons of Sceva experience.

Prophetic Knowledge and Revelation - in the Christian Factory

Prophetic Revelations; are shared where there is the anointing of a teacher and scribe.  This is because prophecy continues after the vessel has delivered the current prophecy; The anointing of a teacher ensures that revelation is plugged into the source, and continues. is plugged into the source. You find a musician teaching people about the song he's just received. The ability to teach is released.

Prophecy is never given without a manual for execution. Prophecy fails when the message delivered is not executed with the knowledge of God. Magician prophets and prophets for hire walk in this perversity.

The church has raised a brazenly defiant generation of orphans. Those who want to storm into prophecy rooms and storm out, and want a prophet for hire to minister to their private filth. 

Yet, the knowledge of God accompanying the revelation to bring the Word into their life is ridiculed. These groups of people are cast into blackness as the prophecy they receive becomes darkened and they have no use for it, as God Himself locks up revelation, places confusion and darkness of mind upon the ridiculers of the knowledge of Christ. 

The other group is the group disguised as prophets, they steal revelation but dance around revelation, and every prophecy issued to people has ruined the destiny of people. 

Knowledge; Teacher-Student Relationship

This is why the teacher-student relationship in school has almost become a curse in institutions of learning. Even when the original researcher is not close by; the anointing continues to flow and revelation is brought forth from God’s Presence. The same with evangelists and Pastors; Pastors receive revelation on how to nurture others based on the prophetic revelation they received. Evangelists who do not work in the prophetic will suddenly receive the annoyance of healing when ministering to people on the grounds of their evangelistic campaigns.

Prophets are not designed to sit down to teach implementations of prophecies. Most times, prophets cannot remember the details of your prophecies until they rewatch the video recordings but teachers are also given implementations, way beyond a prophet can hold your hand. 

When a prophet gives a Word; the anointing of a teacher is needed to teach; and the anointing of a shepherd is needed, if the prophetic Word is for a group.

Look at Mary the earthly mother of Yeshua, she also had the anointing of a teacher; she could call forth the demonstration of miracles, at a time when the Son of God was not ready to begin walking in miracles. This is the power of a teacher. A teacher is shown revelation, through the prophetic channels and given the ability to teach.  Yet, the wrong relationship with the teacher or a boss has earned many wayward Christians a curse. Mostly not from the teachers but from God Himself. 

There are many times in our prophecy rooms when God said, this one does not need any prayer, they need to go and genuinely apologize to their boss at work whom they gave the middle finger because by so doing, the ordination of their purpose is on hold.  Without the right visions, you see the same set of people waste away time, going from prophet to prophet, to get prayers upon prayers. 

Hosea 4:16 - 6 "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children"

Counsel and the Knowledge of God

The divine counsel of God is released only by honor.  This is the honor God's church, the Body of His Son,  holds in God's heart. But for the honor of the Son of God, no revelation will be shared with us.  This is why the church has always been the perfect host for God's revelation.  God does not permit His prophets or counselors to give God's divine counsel to those who give the middle finger and those who walk in the way of folly. Elisha, would not prophesy to the king of Israel, but for the honor given to the king Jehoshaphat - Proverbs 17:16 - Why should fools have money in hand to buy wisdom, when they are not able to understand it?

When the church gives the church the middle finger, when they defy God's principles, why they hide under the name of Jesus, but worship idols, make blood rituals, what happens, is God shuts down revelation. Then the church resorts to scheming for prophesies, stealing contents. How can it be, that the Church of God, which was supposed to be the habitation of wisdom, where innovators are sent out, where researchers are born are living in darkness? We cannot live in defiance, and expect God to bless us with counsel. Counsel belongs to the realm of higher grace, not the general grace for salvation. Grace for salvation is the general grace for everyone. Higher realms of grace are for high-end things in God's kingdom, such as divine counsel and strategy.  When every worship service of your church is reset to atonement for the sin of your church leaders, apostles, pastors, and bishops, every Sunday, where is the grace for higher things of the kingdom? 

Until the church is corrected, the wisdom of God will be given to worshippers, some of them have not even come into the faith yet. And they will advance the kingdom of God. At the appointed time, the revelation of Jesus will be given to them.


God is restoring His glory upon the lives of the writers, authors singers, creatives, the hearers, the seers, the writing prophets, journaling Apostles, and musicians whose glory of the pen has been stolen by the heretics. 

Encourage Bible Study over Prophecy. The Word of God holds the utmost illuminating power over every prophecy. Prophets who carry the true Word of God must emphasize the Knowledge transfer by the Word of God through Bible studies. If they do not want to study the Bible, read, or research, they waste your time, and set you back; turn you into a magician, and you now have to spoon-feed those who refuse to grow repeated documented knowledge. By this, many prophets have become the enemies of God. 

Churches must follow a plan of study, and be open about the sources of content they study; otherwise, the ones whom you tell to plunder the works of others, grow up stealing content.  The church must invest in education to educate others properly. Buy Bible Study resources, ask publishers or ministries for study guides, and notes to help deliver and share knowledge in-depth, rather than scrapping contents from ministry pages. The contents were released to the body in the first place and it is the responsibility of the revelation bearer to provide an atmosphere for you to disperse and share the knowledge.

Revelation bearers must continue to document their work; and distribute it to those who need it.  Reward those who faithfully make requests by sharing resources you would not normally distribute online at a lower cost.

The same applies to musicians. When you steal music content and present it as yours, you minister damnation into the soul of people; hence, stay grounded and seek God's Presence. He will release the knowledge 

How God is Resolving Plagiarism and the Dark Content Factories the Christian Circles

One of God's agenda is to bring visibility into this area in 2024.  God is unmasking the heretics usurping the glories of the musicians, writers, authors, the hearers, the lone pastors burning the midnight candles to download revelation from God's Presence and revelation bearers. 

1. As a worshipper, write your revelations and research what you're taught.  Read widely. Books are the holding places of knowledge, and when a ready vessel comes in contact with the book holding the knowledge they need, they're activated.

2. Read books widely. Many who steal content have a way of curating limited books to recommend to their followers, to prevent you from discovering where their contents are being sourced. (Proverbs 20:14  "It is good for nothing,” cries the buyer; But when he has gone his way, then he boasts")

3. If you like what you've read on someone's page, share and quote them.  When you do that, you spread the gospel, and there is a reward for that.

Worshiper of the Sovereign Lord, God is calling you into a life of journaling,  and research. Faith advances when knowledge is shared, distributed, and taught correctly.

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