Remove these Limtations and Labels from Your Businesses and Brands


By Ebenezer Gabriels Worship Discipleship

Remove Labels Such as -"Christian Author", "Small Business", "Yellow-Owned", "Black-owned", "Hispanic" and "Christian Musician" to Pave the Way for Excellence and Boundless Possibilities.

We are at an inflection point in history; God is removing Christian labels that have bred mediocrity in the body for so long - such as Christian Author, Christian Musician, or any label that places you in a sub-category to reward a limitation; 

Would you rather people come to you because of that category that they have placed you in, or receive the excellence of the Lord, the fullness of the Lord? No longer should people come to your business to pity you, "Oh poor thing, purple-owned business", or would you receive the breath of God upon your business, and people come to you regardless of whatever color.

It's time to let go of demonic categories and labels. It's time to let go of all the purple badges, that place you in the category of mediocrity. It breeds barriers, mediocrity

These labels, have for so long,   limited the expressions of worshippers. 


"But listen, there is a rebirth, an emergence of the body new [Music] because the salvation of the Lord is unveiled even in a whole new dimension, and the Lord began to say, he said, 'Tell my people, get the enough, get the answer of accepting even levels and categories. Oh, things are being reset in the realm of the spirit, and you have to understand this: Say, you are either a Christian, you are either a Believer, you are either a worshiper or nothing at all.'

'It said, an end has to come to things like 'Oh, I'm a Christian author.' You are either a Believer who authors, or gets the end of the story. You are either a Believer who is an inventor, end of story because when you are a worshipper, the reality of creativity is opened to you. Stop accepting categories, stop accepting labels. In this day and age, it is so easy: 'Oh, I'm going to patronize you because you are an individual of color or because you are brown, black, orange, purple.' 'I will buy from you because you are also purple like me.' 'I'm going to buy from you because you are also orange like me.' Listen, it's either you buy from me because my product is good, or go away."

"Get rid of the labels, get the efficacy of the power of God. The Lord is moving in such a dimension in such a realm that transcends our cultures, that transcends races, that transcends even the spectrum of the human species. Listen, we are at a certain inflection point in history that the labels will be erased. You are either a worshipper who has been given the gift of creativity, even to create movies. No longer will you say, 'Oh, I'm a Christian movie maker.' What does that mean? What does that mean? You are either a Believer, or a Christian who has created movies and whose movies do not need a category for it even to win an award. It's all in the name of inclusivity, categories that speak nothing but incompetence."

"I created. Do you know I'm a bestselling author in a category? And you ask, what category? Oh, well, it's the um, it's the uh, it's the, uh, the women of the purple color of vegetarian, and, and, and, and, and, you begin to what are you an author or not? What the Lord is saying, the time has come to weed out mediocrity from the church. The time has come to weed out mediocrity from the body. It does not belong in the body of Christ. There used to be a time when the new individuals received revelation from the place of God's presence, there used to be a time, when the fathers, were individuals who were inventors. And yet, in this day and age, mediocrity has been the number one label for the body. Listen, these are things of yesterday, yes, no more in the name of Jesus."

"You are either a musician, a worshipper, God has given you the gift of creativity in music, whose music will go forth and trash every record out there without being placed into a category before you. You listen and you watch some award, and they say, 'Oh, your work has been selected in the category.' You wonder what category? Or the category of the uh, uh, the subsection of the color of blue, and you're thinking, 'What is this?' The body must rise up to the original function, the design of the body. The time has come to get to the original function of the body. The time has come when worshippers will also be crime detectives who will be the solvers of crime. Top astronauts would also be engineers in different realms. This is the season of the present. This is the season of the prophet ambassadors. This is the season of the worshippers who are creative geniuses."

"Mediocrity has no more hold upon the body in the name of Jesus. The Lord is saying the time has come, no longer will the body celebrate mediocrity in the name of exclusivity. No longer will the body celebrate mediocrity in the name of Jesus. No longer, enough of the demonic labels and the categories. Oh, if you don't do something for you, then we create something for yourself. Listen, enough of demonic rhetoric, enough of demonic compromise. And this is the thing, when labels like that, when categories like that are created, it essentially creates ceilings, it creates boxes, defining even the boundaries of expression, and in the realm of God's spirit, there is no such thing. The only boundaries that exist are the boundaries of the Sovereign Lord. No more categories, no more labels of mediocrity in the name of Jesus."

It is important to move beyond labels and categories in the body of Christ. This Word of Wisdom from God's Presence through Apostle Ebenezer Gabriels message encourages believers to recognize their identity as worshippers and creative individuals without being confined to specific categories or labels. It is time to shift away from mediocrity and the celebration of your true value. Embrace your original design and function.