Sharing my Journey 2024 Double Swords Journey - How to Use Your God-Given Instrument to Worship the Lord


By Ebenezer Gabriels Worship Discipleship

Across timeliness, you can see the hands of God move over the nations. God has given each one of us His Sword, which is our instrument of worship, the tool we need to complete the portion of our assignments in the nations.

The other day, my friend asked me, "How do you think I should get started with the new year since my new year resolution never goes far". I gave her some tips she found helpful. I also told her, that how you plan your 2024 must be unique, based on where God wants you to be and what He has written for your 2024. 

The first way to use your sword is to understand the sword you have. What's your tool? After all, you can't work with a tool you're not aware you have. I would want to find out what my tool is. 

Those who make a difference are not those who do what everything is doing, but those who identify and master their tools.

Once I understand my tool, then I'll learn about God's advancement plans for the earth, and I'll use my tools to contribute to that advancement. I will not point outward waiting for others to do everything, but I will do my little bit

Now let's talk about sourcing for information on what God is doing here on earth.

The Holy Spirit will give many of us ideas, and inspirations as we develop relationships with the Lord. Also, a very great resource has been the compiled prophecies in the yearly books, with the latest being the Double Swords. I would also tap from the resources in here to align with planning, prayer life, and overall lifestyle.

Double Swords is the spiritual name for 2024, and what that means is that 2024 is the year when your God-given sword, your instrument, will make a difference. Also, it's the same year where the mastery of the use of your sword will prevent your sword from injuring you. This prophecy applies to communities, companies, and nations.

While my primary guide will come directly from God's Word in the Scriptures, Double Sword will be a prophetic guide for me.   I got my physical copy on Amazon and I have the digital copy as well as I do for some of the books I read and really like. Digital ensures I have a copy for reference everywhere I go and when I need it. Also, hard copy enhances my reading experience. Also, I believe God's revelation is also shared through books that people write. So when I discover a new book that has God's hand on it, I do not only get the physical, I also get the digital copy.

For my 2024 plans here's how I would adapt the prophetic insights from Double Sword. The book shares insights from 2020 through 2030 in the appendix, so I'll quickly take a look at the previous years to review what God spoke and how that went. Also, there is the prayer of the decade at the back of the decade 2020 through 2030, and most of the prophecies are unfolding in our faces.

Shop the 2024 Double Sword Book Here and free chapters here

I'd ask myself

 how can I benefit from the information provided?

 what did I miss from the previous years? 

Some of you may not have read the yearly prophecy books from the previous years, but the 2020-2030 prophetic landscape provides the opportunity to do a quick scan. For example in 2019, the Lord said, "in a season in the early of the decade, there was famine coming" - worshippers would benefit from that by preparing differently.

So after scanning through what has been prophesied, I'd add some notes in my journal, and see what aligns with God's specific plans for my life, and my journey as a worshipper.

Jesus had the practice of reviewing the Words of the Prophets in the Scripture to teach the lessons for the current season.

 Following the practice of Jesus, this is a year we all need to review many prophecies of the Bible and see how they play out in modern times.  

Luke 4: 17-21

"and the scroll of the prophet Isaiah was handed to him. Unrolling it, he found the place where it is written:

18 The Spirit of the Lord is on me,

    because he has anointed me

    to proclaim good news to the poor.

He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners

    and recovery of sight for the blind,

to set the oppressed free,

19 to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor."

20 Then he rolled up the scroll, gave it back to the attendant, and sat down. The eyes of everyone in the synagogue were fastened on him. 21 He began by saying to them, "Today this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing."

As we saw Jesus do, I'd call on everyone to ensure the scriptures and the prophecy of working with your swords which is your tool of destiny, to ensure the Scripture is fulfilled and there is no carryover into another year.

Here's my prayer for you today;

Lord, I'm praying that my journey is the journey of a worshipper, whose seasons and times are aligned with your perfect will, and whose life is a reflection of your glory, whose days are led by your revelation brought by the Holy Spirit, that I will not grope at midday in the name of Jesus.

Get a Complimentary Chapter of the Double Sword Here to start reviewing the information God has given for 2024.

Building Worship Altars

Abigail Ebenezer-Gabriels.

Ebenezer Gabriels Worship Discipleship

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