The End of the Church Age: The Emerging Body of Christ


By Ebenezer Gabriels Worship Discipleship

Once Upon a Time, The Modern Church History, from the Worship Perspective

Once upon a time, the Church once held the keys of authority, to lock or unlock, to bind and unbound, the destiny of the nations.  The revelation of education given to the church resulted in churches starting up leading academic institutions in the world. Many elite academic institutions were founded by the church, or a leader who was raised from the church. 

The revelation of healing given to the church gave birth to many nurses, and eventually the hospital systems, hence you see churches with hospital systems. Counseling, Careers in teaching such as Teaching, Nursing, Research, Construction, Advisory, and Craftsmanship, all were born from the revelation given to the church, for the benefit of nations.

The church, once revelation was filling to the brink began to expand into different industries. Since the church cannot fully contain the amount of revelation, leaders raised in churches would go out into industries to bring healing, deliverance, and salvation across all industries through the revelation given.

For the church, people needed to hear the Word of God,  grow in the realm of the spirit, and be commissioned to go into the world, not without spiritual power, but with power for effectiveness to bring the salvation of Jesus Christ into nations and make disciples of all nations.

The original framework of the church is set to design the church as an enduring entity, with purposeful missions supporting God's agenda on earth, in different geographies, and across different times while raising new leaders to go out to influence nations of the world. In digestible terms, a church's mission in a region in a period may be to heal the foundation of the community, set the feet of the community on its purpose,  and raise leaders who will maintain the order of worship with spiritual acuteness. 

The framework of the church requires that Prophets, Teachers, and Musicians are raised in the Church with creative and innovative anointing and healing - but does not require people to live all their lives in a church praying over the same thing over and over again without results throughout their lifetime.

How the Devil's Industry of Influence Within the Church is Leading Nations Astray

Humans were created to be influential. With humans influencing one another positively, we become fruitful, multiply, subdue, and dominate in places of the world. 

The devil's industry of influence to infuse the knowledge of evil is adapted through education, books, group settings, and organizations which influences the way education is delivered to people. The only institution that has many industries within it is the church; Only in the church do spiritual leaders have the opportunity to educate the grandparents, parents, children, and ground children all at once.

 The church, which was originally designed as a ground of instruction, when left unchecked has been the source of pollution to the nations. More than you find the devil in the clubs, the devil now lives in plain sight, on the altar of polluted churches. There you find pastors struggling with adultery, and pornography pours corruption into souls. In churches where Pastors who are part of the occultic lead, are either the only prophets in the church silence the voice of prophecy, or deny the availability of God's gifts in this age, the church fails to provide an atmosphere for spiritual growth, especially in the gifts of prophecy, dreams and divine communication. The devil's framework is to use God's influence over people's hearts, to get to the core of people.

In the church pulpit, leaders have multiple adulterous relationships, outside of public knowledge with parishioners. On the church altar, is where many young women learned from their female leaders that it was found to exchange God's glory over their lives, for Brazilian, Indian, Chinese, and Japanese natural hair extensions, harvested from different women, some stolen hair, willingly submitted for sacrifice at Indian temples to cleanse away infirmities. It was in the church that some young boys on the music team caught their pastor in a foul relationship with the married women in the church, and on Sundays, the Pastor flips into the message of grace, teaching the church how perfect no one is and how to harness grace to the maximum.

Also, those who have no business shepherding God's people have wiggled their way into the church, to hold many captive, with prayer meetings upon prayer meetings with no results, threatening people who dare to leave with curses and afflicting them with the food of derangement.

The Cancellation of the Early Prophets

While the fallen church lost spiritual power, actors from the church infiltrated church media, educating the church and demonizing those moving in the prophetic in the late 1990s and early 2000s, especially those who could not properly articulate their calling. They were annihilated, excluded from events, and canceled to limit their reach. The demise of the early prophets of the early 2000s was a result of the organized cancel culture in the church. Prophets who dared deliver God's messages to these fallen churches were targeted and canceled and many never returned from such deliveries.

The Cancellation of the Creatives

The cancel church didn't end there, it continued with creatives in the church - many creatives with extra abilities outside of music were deemed not useful in the church, hence such gifts were discouraged as they would say they belonged to the world, hence the voice of innovation was suffocated. The creatives rebelled and many of them sought comfort and companionship outside of the church. Some of them ended up in the wrong hands, the hands of the devil who polluted their creative gifting further.  

The Creating of Miracles

People were unsuspecting because many miracles were cooked, and there were crowd effects. Many fallen churches continued to advance on the crowd effect, as people thought, if the world flocked there, then everything seemed fine. However, the souls of men were the main merchandise they were trading.

These transactions were used by the devil to negotiate his way and influence the church and opened the church to afflictions from the gates of hell. These acts were arrogant against God and found as lewdness, so God continued to set the church's authority on decline.  

The Church Society Lifestyles

The result is the departure of the Holy Spirit, the powerlessness of the church, and the defiance of many raised in the church. In the nations, at work, the sons and daughters of defiance bring dishonor to the bosses, because they place everyone on the scale of their church leaders. Those who were called to disciple nations, become the lowest of the low as they are shut against their inheritance in the nations.

This is why, the highest numbers of economically disadvantaged are in the church, praying for a miracle, the number of aging singles, unmarried and divorced is on the rise in the church today, according to Ebenezer Gabriels Research.

Many young men are being awakened, and hardly want to make commitments to girls raised by the fallen church because the character is questionable, just like the characters of the church leaders. They stay in the church, and no one can curtail their lifestyle.

 Many women find no satisfaction in relationships with church-grown men, as the behavior, mirrors what is seen from the top down. Most of the men enter into rebellion or stay in the church and live a double lifestyle which invites curses upon them. They create a church persona but live differently on the outside, and they know never to marry in the church.

For those whom God has revealed whatever is happening, they move away, into meaningful associations and fellowship to worship God solely without allowing the culture of the church society to influence who they are.

The New Emerging Church and the Worshippers

It is the end of the church age and we are approaching a time when God will use authorities as a rod of correction for fallen churches. Keep in mind that the churches whose lamp stand are standing before God will emerge into worship-based fellowship. The new emerging church is here; it will not be in the buildings, it will be in the association of worshippers offering vibrant worship. All that has been put in chains by the old fallen church will be let loose - Innovation, Creativity, Craft, and Research in the prophetic will be unveiled. 

Worshippers will reinvent and the emerging church is first a personal life of seeking the knowledge of God, a life lived in God's Word and worship, and then, the fellowship of like minds in worship.

1. God is decentralizing the church, and restoring the focus to Jesus, the head of the Church 

2. The empires built by the ignorance of many will come crashing, and the knowledge of the Lord Jesus will prevail and advance.

3 Worshippers will take their place in worship and worship in truth and in spirit, fulfilling the original mandate of worship.

Every great revival has a prophetic history and marker attached to it, including the great ministry of the late Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke. In his book, Living a Life of Fire, Broken wrote, of a prophetic vision which was shared by an elderly lady in their congregation about a little boy that broke the bread and gave the bread to the people to eat, and that little boy was Bonnke. Prophetic visions like this preceded when great men and women were born in the church. Men and women of old would see visions concerning the future, and at the appointed time, the young ones would go into the world for the great commission.

The year was 2019 when Billy Graham passed, the Lord spoke to Apostle Ebenezer Gabriels and said, that this man's departure leaves a big mantle to be divided into 21 and will be shared, and the manifestations will be seen in different areas and industries because there was no one ready in the church to wear it upon them. 

Then a year after in 2020 Bonnke went on to be with the Lord. I saw the Son of man rise welcoming a saint, and I didn't know who it was. Moments later after worship, a news alert came, and it was reported in the news that Bonnie had gone. One week later, I saw the angels of God during worship taking a saint into their final home, the home was inside, and as they walked pass other homes in heaven, Bonnke was being told whom the homes belonged to, as he was being ushered into the home that was prepared for him and the Lord said, he is indeed in a very good place.

The Lord said, the signs he has given to those alive as the end of the church age, the winding up of things is the departure of the two great evangelists of the century Graham and Bonnke within the space of two years. The third sign is sealed for the appointed time.

Read our new book: The New Body & the End of the Church Age

This article was handwritten by Ebenezer Gabriels and Abigail Gabriels