The End of the Church Age


By Ebenezer Gabriels Worship Discipleship

There is a shift in the realm of God's spirit and every worshiper upon the Earth, you must understand this., there is a wrapping up of the church age and the body of Christ. It's been rebirth. Listen, Jesus began to speak even to the disciples. He said, 'Break down this Temple,' and in three days will be raised back up. Many did not understand. Said, 'What are you talking about?' It took years for this to be rebuked. What are you talking about? And when he was lifted even on the cross of Calvary, what you didn't see is that in the temple from the top signifying a change. Get the Pharisees. Oh, they refused even to see. Get the rebirth of the body. They refused to see. They were bypassed. They were the authority of the day. They became altogether corrupt. Jesus said they were tombs, whitewashed tombs, kind of like the day and age in which we live."

Efforts will be made even to make sure that everything looks good on the outside, except that at the core of what is going on is rottenness. People have been imprisoned in demonic camps, in demonic camps by polluted and corrupt elders who have refused even to surrender to the Lord Jesus, who have refused to see the move of the Lord, who have refused even to partner with the move of God, who have refused to make joy their place, but instead multiply hatred, sorrow, pain. They kidnap, they steal, they get even the organs of individuals. They do all sorts of things. But listen, there is a rebirth, an emergence of the new body of Christ is here.