The Mystery of Dance


By Ebenezer Gabriels Worship Discipleship

The Mystery of Dance: An Introduction into Dance as a Spiritual Activity

Dance in the spirit realm is a weapon of warfare. Listen to this. How can it be that individuals are going to war without joy in their hearts and yet dancing to war? Listen, when priorities are misplaced, strategy is the last thing that people remember when going to war. And the scripture says, before you go to war stand. Think about what you're about to do."

"In the place of God's presence, joy is abundant, and the fruit of joy is an atmosphere of possibilities. The Lord began to speak to us even about the mystery of dance. Dance is so powerful, dance is so dynamic, but dance is also extremely spiritual. Many do not understand this. You do not need to know how to dance before dance gets into the place of your soul. Oh, you do not need to know how to dance before dance gets into your soul. Listen,  dance is responsible for changing the atmosphere of a place. 

Dancers envision something out of this realm. That is why those who catch something in that realm burst forth into singing, they burst forth into dancing because dancing is a vision thing. Dancing is a vision thing, and every dancer must only. No ordinary individual can dance because dance requires you to be out of the current realm that you are in. You have to. It's almost as though you are switching into something. You're switching to something that is not here. Every dancer needs to get out of this realm to a different realm, where the only thing that matters, my, is the rules that operate in that realm."

"An individual who does not understand what is going on when they look at a dancer may see, 'Is this person okay?' Because what they are doing doesn't seem to align with this realm. So dance is very, very spiritual. Dance is very, very spiritual. Individuals have to get out of the realm that they are in into a different realm. And this is why it's very important when you get out of this realm to a new, you must then understand, are you in the realm of God's spirit or are on the other side. Because if you're not on the winning side, if you're not in the side of the Lord, oh, there is no in-between. You are on the devil's side. It's important that dance, video that you are watching, that dance instrumental, whatever it is that dance that you have gone even to partake of, is it honoring God or is it a sensual dance, a dance that has been reduced to draw people even into destruction? Listen to this very carefully, people of God. When you enter even into the realm of dance, there's a reason why instruction is easier when dance is involved, especially because, first of all, it requires that the individual gets out of the ordinary into a realm where there is no more shame."

The first thing that disappears when an individual enters into the realm of dance, is shame disappears. It is a dance or it is the utmost example of something called possession, divine possession, or when the body of an individual is rented out to an entity that is beyond the realm that they are in. People of God, listen to this. This is the utmost example, something called possession, divine possession, where an individual lends out, borrows out, and yields even their body to an entity that is beyond their realm. And when that activity is going on, when that possession is going on, what happens is that the rules or the construct of this current realm do not hold water anymore. And that is why when dance happens, dance can happen with or without musical instruments. When there is music, musical instrument, what happens is that the musical instrument or the instrument is only opening the doors, creating a doorway for the individual to be able to get through even into that new realm."

"Dance is not ordinary. It is not natural; it is spiritual. And you must understand, that wherever there's the revelation of dance, there is the manifestation of an entity who has come to take over. And when this happens, especially when the individual is connected to the right church,, there are breakthroughs in the realms. There are breakthroughs in the realms. There is life, there is godliness, there is..."

The mystery of dance is taught as part of a Prophetic Worship Series at the IAUC Institute. Also, this revelation on dance is being curriculum is being adapted into cultural, drama, dance and arts programs at universities.