The Seven Gatekeepers of God For the Mind


By Ebenezer Gabriels Worship Discipleship


The 7 Gatekeepers of God For the Mind

The worshipper's most prized possession is their mind.  It's the core where God meets you.   The instability of the mind hinders the flow of worship.

Regardless of what happens in the world, God's peace keeps the worshipper still.    

Whatever is true 

Whatever  is noble

Whatever is just

Whatever is lovely

Whatever is of good report

Whatever has good virtue

Whatever is worthy of praise

Whatever you allow into your mind, impacts your assignment positively or negatively. Peace, in a stormy world, will come from allowing our hearts to be guarded by these 7 gatekeepers of the mind. These gatekeepers are found in the book of Philippians chapter 4:8


"The ideas in your mind are what you speak, and they become what you live by and act out. Many people live by philosophies like,  "you live only once" , such philosophies have become the driver of materialism, flamboyance, extravagance, and a lifestyle of waste. 

Some philosophers say there is no purpose to life. If you base your life on philosophers who say there is no purpose to life, it is going to be difficult to figure out what your purpose is. You cannot model your life on these thoughts and think that the spirit backing up the ideas released will not affect your spirit and the polluted imagination of others is being admissible into your imagination.

Ancient philosophers taught kings, and governments how to build cities, and how to develop a nation, and this is why the study of politics usually requires a study of philosophy. If Government philosophers subscribe to the wrong philosophy, then the nation is set on fire. This is where the Word of God comes in and is seen in the ministry of Moses where God gave him the law. The Word of God is the model for building cities, communities, and lives"

 Curled from the book, Deeper Mysteries of Creation in the Realm of Thoughts, imaginations, and Words 

If you're a creator, advancing on God's creative works, your most important weapon is your mind, and you must guard it with the Philippians 4:8 gatekeepers - Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is lovely - if anything is of good virtue or praiseworthy- think about such things.

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