Why It is Hard to Identify Fake Miracles from the Real Move of God?


By Ebenezer Gabriels Worship Discipleship

Why Is It So Hard to Identify Fake Miracles from the Real Move of God?

--- For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. Matthew 24:24

Fake miracles are often cooked up and staged to win the hearts of people. Its goal is believability and retention of control.  A real miracle is God touching someone through a divine encounter.  Fake miracles are conducted through the use of dark magic, spells,  satanic devices, and other deceptive means, while the name of Jesus is used infant of the audience as the authority behind the miracles. It is magic or ritual disguised as a move of God. It is also lies being sold as testimonies. It is the act of staging deliverance.

The real move of God is divine and is led by the Holy Spirit.  God's worshippers can walk in the gifts of the Holy Spirit to usher in a move of God which gives birth to miracles.  No worshipper who has met God will tell you they fully understand miracles, because miracles are by revelation.  We learn His ways through His words, but no one has the formula for miracles. God decides to move when He wants to move. Also, those who have encountered the true move of God, when they capture their encounters in books and share knowledge, God come down to testify by His spirit and uses that knowledge of Him to work further miracles. So, you can encounter miracles by just reading a book that holds the breath of God within it.

Outcomes when the Move of God is Divine

The move of God usually does not begin in the crowdiest places,  but the crowd effect can have a powerful effect on the move of God. When there is a crowd, there is more demand for God's power, and the release of God's power is made more abundantly to cater to the needs of the crowd as we saw in the times of Jesus. What you see is a major encounter with God, and hearts are stirred, and the visible signs you see are world events that change. Breakthrough hits and the news headlines change, the trajectory of the earth shift. The move of God is usually ushered in by God's grace upon a consecrated vessel and the unlimited possibilities occur here.

Outcomes of the crowd effects when miracles are staged

Fake miracles understand the use of the crowd effect to create an emotional appeal, the bandwagon appeal, and an electrifying effect on the crowd to create a make-believe. The result,  if God decides to show up, a limited few encounter Him, but there are no world-changing releases here. God's mercy is awakened towards that woman or man who goes hungry in search of God into that gathering, and God shows up for them to heal them. This miracle was birthed forth by God's mercy, not by the pollution of the adulterous prophet. Nothing new is birthed forth upon the earth as a result. Mostly, there are a few job promotions here and there, and people come in to give testimonies, but these kind of events never ushers anything new to the earth. Yet, for every breakthrough and advancement on earth, there must be a move of God preceding it.

Why Would God Work Miracles Through a False Prophet?

Because God's people are deceived and God is full of mercy; God will use any available channel to get through to people, including the ones you call the fake miracle peddlers. Just like Balaam was used to prophesy and inform Balak that no enchantment can stand against Jacob. 

Also, some ministers started well with God, but God has already departed from them perhaps because they entered into some kind of iniquity and rebellion; and no one is aware of this, but miracles are still happening.

God's Authority Given to Jesus

In the realm of God's Kingdom, there are many powers, but Jesus is the head of all powers and principalities. This is the confidence of us who follow Christ. At the issuance of the great commission, Jesus informed us that all authority has been given to us, and He gave the power to those who believe to use His name and this authority to do miracles than He ever did while living as a man on earth. 

However, many followers of Christ have no understanding of what power entails.

The workers of Satan also have the revelation. Satan used to be a former insider in heaven.  Coming into the world, he perverted the knowledge of God within him and started using the knowledge within him for the works of darkness.

This is why many psychics are perverted prophets. A lot of these psyches you see, their original destiny was in the prophetic in God's kingdom, but worship in the wrong and darkest kingdoms activated them into the pits of hell, and this is where they draw revelation from.

Because access to information has been cut off from the devil, many of his followers also find a good source of heaven's knowledge, to steal information from. They seek to know what God intends to do, and pervert.

So, fake miracle peddlers using dark magic are usually hard to detect, except you are in the raw power of the Holy Spirit.  Some would argue, but I listened to that sermon and I felt God move. Again, remember the story of Balaam, because a person speaks in the name of God or works miracles does not mean they are on the Lord's side.

The only way to know is usually if God decides to open up the core to you, otherwise, even the elects are deceived. Many times God does not open up to people so they do not fall off faith, but He gives gentle nudges such as dreams, and visions, and shows you certain fruits in the lives of those whom you think are with God and not with God.

It is important to know, that miracles are not the qualifier of who is with God. The only one you know is yourself. It is therefore important to take God seriously and worship Him. The only identifier of the sons of God are those who are led by the Holy Spirit, and those who worship Him in truth and Spirit.


1. God does not give you a full revelation about a ministry arranging fake miracles because of your safety.

2. God gives time to fake prophets to repent and turn around their ways.

3. Unfortunately, while God is giving them time to repent, lives are ruined. It is your responsibility to ensure your life is not getting messed up while God gives grace for sinners to repent.

4.  When God shows you revelation, He is not necessarily showing you so you can mock them. He is giving you intelligence as you grow in your walk.

5. It is dangerous to start spreading unconfirmed information; things change rapidly spiritually.  You do not know whether they have repented before God, also your motives when you spread information matter. Some spread information for popularity contests. If God has not called you to spread information, and you do that without the approval of God, you could get backlash.

6.  If God has called you to share information, you need to know, to whom and for what purpose, and how; then follow God's instruction.

7. Holiness, a life in worship, and the fruits of life are the testifiers of a true move of God.

This research is from the writings of Ebenezer Gabriels and  Abigail Gabriels