Worship and Creativity


By Ebenezer Gabriels Worship Discipleship

The Prophet Ezekiel shared about this tree which reveals the privileges of nature given to Adam in Eden. Adam didn’t need to plant. He didn’t need to worry about growth. He only needed to nurture what had been placed in his care. Genesis 2:15 points out that the Lord placed Adam in Eden to tend and to keep it followed with the instructions to stay away from eating the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.  

Man was made with creativity. And in man was found creativity. Man’s creativity was the first thing God put to the test. Genesis 2:19-20 - Out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field and every bird of the air, and brought them to Adam to see what he would call them. And whatever Adam called each living creature, that was its name. So Adam gave names to all cattle, to the birds of the air, and to every beast of the field. But for Adam, there was not found a helper comparable to him. This was man’s first test, and he passed the creativity test. God tested the creativity in Adam, and he delighted the Lord. This was a test administered to man. Who ever knew working in creativity is as worship unto the Lord? His creativity in giving every animal reveals the gifts of specificity in Adam. He knew what to give to whom. After naming the animals, the Lord was moved to create a helper for Adam; one who will be joined to him to continue to delight the Lord.

Walking in our giftings is a form of worship. Using diligently the gifts that have been placed in our lives delights the Lord and it comes up to Him as pleasure. In our mortal states as men, which of us creates something beautiful and would not be filled with joy when our creations work just fine? Every one of God’s creations, the sun, the moon, and the stars in fulfilling their assignments worship the Lord. Let’s learn how.

The Trees: Made to Worship

Taking a lesson from the parables of the tree, we learn that fulfilling a purpose is also worship to the Lord Let’s take look at the parables of the trees;  


Judges 98-15 (CJB) 

Once the trees went out to chose a king to rule them. They said to the olive tree, ‘Rule over us!’ But the olive tree replied, ‘Am I supposed to leave my oil, which is used to honor both God and humanity, just to go and hold sway over the trees?’ So the trees said to the fig tree, ‘You, come and rule over us!’ But the fig tree replied, ‘Am I supposed to leave my sweetness and my good fruit just to go and hold sway over the trees?’ So the trees said to the grapevine, ‘You, come and rule over us!’ But the grapevine replied, ‘Am I supposed to leave my wine, which gives cheer to God and humanity, just to go and hold sway over the trees?’ Finally, all the trees said to the thorn bush, ‘You, come and rule over us!’ The thorn bush replied, ‘If you really make me king over you, then come and take shelter in my shade. But if not, let fire come out of the thorn bush and burn down the cedars of the L’vanon!’

If the fig tree catches the revelation of worship through the fulfillment of purpose; if the Olive tree understands that in producing oil it worships the Lord or if the grapevine knows that its vine which cheers the Lord is as worship unto Him - how can men be ignorant that the Lord wants to impute every of his daily activity as worship unto Him?  

All Creatures & Creations Worship 

Not one of His creations is exempted from worship. The sun, moon, stars, waters, and even the heavens are called to worship. The animals, all of them, sea creatures, land creatures, flying and creeping animals. Fire, hail, snow, clouds, and all the people, both low and high, young and old, and infants worship the Lord. The sun comes out every morning in full strength, its place of assignment to provide light for God’s people. In the evening, the sun goes back to its chambers after fulfilling that which has been sent for the day. All creations are ordained worshipers ministering worship to the Lord.