Worship is a weapon that can be taken into any enemy territory to dispossess the enemy. The Holy Spirit leads many deliverance sessions to go into warfare through worship for strong reasons.
This is one of the endless benefits released to a worshiper. The worshiper is loaded with atomic weapons in worship. This is the same reason Judah leads Israel into war zones and conquer. In prayer sessions, when the worshiper begins prayers with praise, the war is already declared victory in heaven.
The mystery to this revelation is this: In worship, the worshiper is only a vessel, the Holy Spirit is only leading the worshiper who is a vessel of worship in certain actions like words to exalt the Lord with, dances or songs to sing or actions to take - but the main minister in the worshiperâs body is the Lord Jesus - who is worshiping the Father in the worshiperâs sanctuary. The fight is no longer the worshipers but of the Lord.
This leads us to the question: what enemy dares bring war into Godâs Holy place? This is why the devil and its host of demons can not take the heat when the worship of God is quite intense, they flee.